Found 4 blog entries tagged as edmonton realtor.

As a realtor in Edmonton, I understand that moving to a new country comes with many challenges, especially when it comes to finding a home. I’m here to make that process as smooth as possible for you and your family. Edmonton is a diverse city, with a growing community of immigrants and refugees, and I want to help you feel comfortable and supported as you settle into your new life here.

Here are some ways I can assist you in finding the right home for your needs:

1. Helping You Overcome Language Barriers

I know that communication can sometimes be difficult if English or French isn’t your first language. Don’t worry—I’m here tohelp. I can offer listings, contracts, and information in different languages, or use translation tools to ensure…

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When it comes to buying a home, sometimes potential buyers make lowball offers on real estate home listings in hopes of snagging a deal. However, while lowball offers may seem like a smart move, they rarely work, and can actually be detrimental to everyone involved in the real estate transaction. In this blog, we'll explore the reasons why lowball offers don't work, why they can be offensive to sellers, and why they demonstrate a lack of confidence in the real estate market.

First, let's define what a lowball offer is. A lowball offer is an offer made on a property that is significantly lower than the asking price or the market value of the property. For example, if a potential buyer offers 15% below list price or lower, that would be considered a…

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Shop Local

Local personalization combines two growing trends that clients love and leads to more repeat and referral clients which should make up the vast majority of any relationship based business. Choosing an Edmonton owned and operated business with a top tier track record can reap many rewards beyond the current transaction. When it comes to real estate look for a locally owned one right up to the top echelons this includes the agent, brokerage and company headquarters.  A strong local culture in a business increases use of other local businesses as well for example signage, promotion, accounting, photography, 3D tours, measurements, charities and fuel to name a few. The benefits of supporting local include reduced carbon footprint, job…

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